Reloaders and spreaders of mineral fertilizers.
High performance machinery, increase labor efficiency and optimize the harvest time. Adapted for all types of crops. The use of reloaders increases productivity up to 25%.
Participation in Agrosalon 2016
23th-24thJune 2016 "TST-Agro" took part in "National field day – 2016"
Mordovian farmers visited colleagues in Wartenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
04 - 05 September 2015 "TST-Agro" took part in «XVII Povolzh'e Agro exhibition»
17-18th June 2015 “TST-Agro” company took part in “Field Day 2015 in Mordovia republic.
26-27th March 2015 "TST-Agro" took part in "Exhibition-presentation of agricultural machinery and equipment 2015"
Reloaders and spreaders of mineral fertilizers.